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Photography Tips for Beginners You Must Remember

04/08/2020 Views: 1144

As a beginner in Event Photographer, before accepting  any projects, you may need to look for some tips that could make your photo a masterpiece. Let's take a look at some photographer tips to make the best version of your photo collection.

Use the Camera You Already Have

photographer tip

People used to think that Camera gear is important, but it’s not that important. There countless camera, lenses and accessories on the market today.  We have some are better than other. But once you’ve tested everything, you may realize that the differences are minor, so just use your old camera.

Yet somehow old photographers managed to capture beautiful, iconic photos that still look great today.

More importantly, it’s your creative skills and knowledge of camera settings that make a beautiful picture.

Work with Your Composition

Know basics of how to compose good photos. Keep your horizons level, eliminate all distractions in your photo by adjusting your composition. Balancing your photo. Keep the simplicity. And Keep experimenting until you get perfect picture.

Learn Which Settings Matter

photographer tip

You have to take care a lot of camera settings, you must pay attention to get them right, especially for those who are beginner. Even the experienced won’t always do everything perfectly. But if you learn to set your camera properly, it’s the best time to make the most beautiful photos.

Try to practice the camera modes than full Auto. You won’t practice anything if your camera do everything for you. Aside from aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, you must learn how to focus on practicing with autofocus modes. You’ll probably like single-servo autofocus ( One-shot AF) for stationery subjects. Don’t use manual focus unless it’s so dark.

Last but not least, shoot in RAW mode if you want to edit your photos. JPEGs look good though, but the files have much less latitude for processing after that. ( otherwise, you should shoot RAW+ JPEG.  

Don’t Overexpose Highlights

photographer tip

When you’re choosing camera settings, it is critical to avoid overexposing highlights in a photo. Because it is impossible to recover any detail from white part of the photo. The sky of the photos must have nice texture and color, not featureless big blob.

It’s pretty easy to keep your highlights intact. But this is where shutter speed, aperture, and ISO are so important. These are the only camera settings that directly affect the brightness of a photo (ignoring flash settings, of course). Even exposure compensation – an important setting itself – just tells your camera to change one or more of these three variables.

When you’re taking photos, watch the camera screen to see if there is any overexposure. If there is, the first thing you should do is lower your ISO to its base value (usually ISO 100). If it’s already there, use faster shutter speed. That will take care of the issue. As for aperture, make sure it isn’t set to a crazy value (f/32, f/45, etc.) and you’ll be good.

Pay Attention to the Light

photographer tip

Light is may be the most important part of photography is light. If you take a photo with good light, you will be take good picture. But what is good light? People often think good light is sunlight. You want good light you have to balance your light’s intensity between your subject and background. A photo could be ruined by a dark foreground if you’re taking a photo of an amazing sunset.

If you’re taking handheld pictures, make sure there is enough light, if not, you could use the flash or move to a brighter location. The easiest way to get lame photos is to shoot in not enough light environment.

Here are photographer tips that you could take a look. Event Crew is professional agency that provide top qualified event crew. Contact us to get more detail.