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Event staffing positions in an event

21/10/2020 Views: 1551

Most service industries depend on more than 90% of human factors. The event industry is also a service industry, so personnel is an important factor determining the success of the event. Human resources are the prerequisite for all activities happening in the event, a source of creative ideas, breakthrough ideas, and people themselves will concretize the actual plans on paper through the organization of events. Here are some event staffing positions in an event.

Event staffing positions in an event

Event Manager/Event Planner

The manager is the person most responsible for the event, the manager will be responsible for making a complete plan, assigning responsibilities to each employee, and agreeing on issues based on ideas discussed in advance by the team, associates.

And to ensure the rigor and limit risks, the manager will have to check and adjust the plan; write production items; rent tools, furniture, and venue; plans to limit risks, control crisis. In addition, management will assign personnel based on what they understand about each person's ability to classify them into different divisions, and link personnel, link departments to achieve final goals. 

This position is so important that it requires a qualified person to take over, because this position plans and produces the entire event, calculates, prepares, and implements a crisis control plan.

Event Manager/Event Planner

Event leader/ Event supervisor

If the manager is responsible for the overview, then the supervisor will be in charge of monitoring each specific item in the event. In the event organization, there are countless areas that need to be in charge of communication, managing collaborators (PG, PB, MC ...), hosting guests,... However, this position is only in large-scale events, if the event is small scale, you might skip this position because it may not be necessary.

Read more: Where to hire event supervisors for groundbreaking ceremonies in Ho Chi Minh City

Event leader/ Event supervisor

Event executive

Event executive is simply understood as the event staff- who always appear and play a very important role for each event. They are considered as artists and use their own creativity, carefulness, and meticulousness to create the most perfect events. These are the people who directly schedule and run the program according to the plan to avoid problems affecting the event.

An executive event is a person who will directly undertake and manage all work from the creative stages to choosing the topic, choosing the venue, logistics,...

Event executive


As part-time staff, hired to work as part of the project season, supporting jobs that do not require many skills. However, depending on the scale of each event, the personnel involved are often different. Maybe just one or two people for small events (family parties, birthdays, seminars ...) or a few thousand people such as international, national events,...


For professional event planning companies, the functions and tasks of each field are clearly defined and professionalized. And at such a big event, there will be more specific event staffing positions: coordinator, creative staff, logistics, customer care, production - engineering, designers...

Event organization is a dynamic, integrated industry that needs a combination of many related factors. Only the coordination, cooperation, and sharing activities can the event organizers have the complete strategy. 

With many years of experience in the event industry, Event Crew is providing event staff at many positions that will meet any demand of customers. If you are looking for a perfect team for your events, don’t hesitate to contact us via website Event Crew or hotline + 

Read more: Where to hire event staff when organizing events in Vietnam